Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Today was my sister-in-law Heather's (aka my snister Hedder) BIRTHDAY!
Haaaaaaaaaaapppy Birthday!
Isn't she beautiful?!
Check out her blog hereeeee

Everyone needs a 3am friend. I've got a great one. I know that if I ever need ANYTHING at ANYTIME of the day or night, this girl would pick up her phone. She's been there for me through my highs and lows... and man, do I love her!

She's my Jaynie-Baby!
This is us right around the first time we met :)
I was sixteen.. and had braces. And a camo hat.
Her laugh makes everyone laugh!
Watch out! She'll getcha..
We are soooo pretty.
She's quite the looker!
Tonight I got to talk to her for a little bit. Made me miss her even more! I love you Jayne and thanks for being the best friend a girl could ask for!!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Can anybody guess what this is??

It's our nasty cottage cheese ceiling!
I remember being at my friend Lynne's house when I was about 10 or 11 and jumping on the bed scraping the ceiling like this so it would 'snow'.
Today consisted of a little bit of this..
And a lot a bit of this..
Hope everyone had a wonderful 3 day weekend.
Thank you to any and everyone that has served our country!!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Bocce ball!
One sleepy girl by the pool..
Two sleepy girls by the pool..
Hope your holiday weekend is a blast!
PS: I got a new freckle on my foot and it is daaaaaarling. I was so excited about it I told Josh twice. He didn't think it was that exciting.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

My parents (far right) in 1987. Check out their shoes... awesome.
So a couple weeks ago Josh let me know that one of his pet peeves is.... BOBBY PINS. He told me that he finds them everywhere in our house. I just didn't believe him! But today I went around the house and found.. well... a couple.

kitchen counter..
coffee table..
Notice the dirt? This is the coffee table I got at a garage sale.
It was patio furniture.. :)
Honestly it's really weird because I don't use bobby pins that often but they surely are EVERYWHERE!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

This is blog is a mush of pictures.. enjoy! :)

Hayden on my bed.. weirdo
Everybody hanging out while the tornado sirens were going off.
Hayden and Nicole Facetiming
Don playing noodle
Josh bought this game on a whim at a thrift store a couple years ago and it has become a family favorite!
Globe at an antique store
Cracker Barrel!
Us after running through the storm
Me and Sherry with a cowboy!
I love you allllll!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Today it got pretty after the storm.
It was raining while it was sunny and dad said that means 'The devil is beating his wife.'
Mom & Dad
This is their 'gangster' pose.
Don & Sherry!!!!!!!
They finally made it after cancellations and delays!
We ate at Saltgrass... not Saltss
Josh just used my toothbrush. Gross.
Rain, rain stay a while...
Cause you make my husband smile..

Thursday, May 19, 2011

My in-laws are coming tomorrow! WOOO HOOOOOOO!!! The original Mr. & Mrs. Barton! Well not the first.. but you know what I mean.
Me and Josh haven't seen them since my birthday.
(November for all you that didn't know/forgot---shame on you. Just kidding. Sorta.)
Anyyyyyyways. Here's what I need to do before they arrive.
1. Pluck my eyebrows. Yikes.
2. Put away the vacuum. I vacuumed the whole house, (didn't have to unplug it or change outlets once) and then got lazy/tired and sat on the couch. It's still in the middle of my living room.
3. Buy Pepsi for Sherry. She drinks Pepsi like I drink Diet Coke. We have an understanding.
4. Take my adderall pill. Juuuuust kidding.

thank you and goodnight.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

10 Reasons (today at least) Why I Love My Husband

#10 He makes really good over-medium eggs. Just made me some this morning. A+

#9 He puts up with my terrible T.V. habits. (ie: Crime shows I'm too scared to watch alone, Disney Channel, Reality shows that just follow people around making them famous, and of course, 16 & Pregnant and Teen Mom.)

#8 He understands that I am NOT a morning person. At all. grrrrrrr

#7 He lets me sleep with my stuffed panda Wonton whenever I'm sad/sick and doesn't mind when he sticks around a couple days after I'm feeling fine.

#6 He kisses me goodbye EVERY morning when I'm all snuggled in our bed sleeping until the last minute. He's rarely skipped.

#5 He embraces my messiness. (Ever heard that having a husband equals picking up dirty socks?... not true. Josh is wayyyyyy cleaner than me.)

#4 He supports/supplies my Diet Coke addiction. It can get ugly.

#3 Whenever we are falling asleep he likes to be touching me somehow. Whether it be a foot, arm, or full on snuggling. (Sorry for tmi....)

#2 He eats whatever I cook. And it does not taste good every time. I am not my mother.

And the #1 reason why I love him (today) is....

Every night we get in bed and get all comfortable and then I say, "Did you lock the front door?" and he says, "Yep." And then we lay there for a few minutes until he gets up and goes to check.
And you know what?
It's always already locked.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Today while I was driving back from doing laundry at my parent's house, a song came on the radio and a childhood memory popped in my head. It made me laugh in my car by myself so I thought I'd tell everybody about it cause maybe it will make you laugh, too.

When I was a little girl, I was obsessed with Shania Twain. No, really, I loved her. I went back and forth with Amy Grant, Brian White, and Celine Dion, but Shania was definitely at the top of my favorite list. I used to make up 'dances' to all her songs in my mom's purple living room and then make everyone in my family come watch me and sometimes even the neighbors. I use the word 'dances' very lightly because most of the time I would just try to come up with hand motions to every.single.word. and then just watch my audience as they marveled about how smaaart I was and how I should be a famous choreographer.

(I don't think they really thought that but it just kinda adds to the story, dontcha think?)

Anyways, I loved Shania.

One day I was riding with my mom to pick up my brothers from one of their many soccer practices and I clearly remember 'Honey I'm Home' by Shania Twain playing on the radio. I was singing along to every word at the top of my lungs when we parked and my mom turned off the car. She came around to the side and slid open the mini-van door and I just kept singing as if she hadn't turned the music off. I was right at the part of the song where she's talking about opening the mail .. and at this point I can tell mom thinks I'm just the most adorable thing in the whole world and how smart I am to memorize all the lyrics and then I busted out real loud, 'cause it hurt like HELL!!!!!'

And right away I knew mom didn't think I was adorable or smart. I can still remember the way the gravel looked underneath my feet while Mom told me I should not say/was not allowed to say that. It was the gray rocks that left that white chalk all over your shoes.

And every time after that whenever I heard Shania Twain's 'Honey I'm Home' I zipped my lips at that part or said 'heck'.
(but I have OCD tendencies and I didn't like how heck didn't rhyme with 'mail'.)