Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Here's some pictures from me and Josh's mini trip!
These next few were taken at 'The Doll Nest'. It was in a little lady's house.. she and her sister run it.. and they sell Nesting Dolls. Clever name? It was insane how many different kinds were in there!! And every single one of them were hand painted. They were all pretty expensive, though. Luckily I found a basket full of $10 ones so I picked one out of there. This is one of their 3 cats that roam the store. This one was very friendly.

This picture doesn't even show half of the dolls that were in there..

I took this picture for my Mother-in-law. Hi Sherry! Here's Winnie! (Even though Winnie isn't pink..)

I thought this one was funny.
She didn't want me to take this picture of her. She told me she has a stye in her eye so she can't wear mascara and she was SO embarrassed. I think she was cute!! :)

She insisted on taking our picture. I'm glad she did.. even though my shirt is doing something that is very unflattering to my figure...

This is the doll that I chose. Here it is all opened up. The last one is soooo tiny!
I thought the name of this bridge was cute.
Pumpkin Hollow Bridge :)
This is where we ate lunch.
The view from our table.
The End!

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