Sunday, November 6, 2011

Oh television..

What are you guys watching?! I feel like I have SO many shows I'm into this fall. Of course I've weeded through since the season started and shortened my list a little. (Is it bad that I'm already getting nervous/OCD about telling you all of them in fear I might leave one out?!)
 Let's see...

Sunday: Once Upon A Time! It's only a couple of episodes in but I'm pretty hooked. It's kind of confusing: fairy tale characters trapped in the real world under a curse and Snow White and her daughter are the same age?? Just watch it and it will make more sense...

Monday: Castle! It's in it's third (4th?) season and I've stayed hooked the whole time. I love crime shows and this one has a ton of comic relief so there's not much room for me to get scared. (Although during the Halloween episode I made Josh hold my hand through a couple parts..)

Tuesday: New Girl! Oh my goodness if you haven't seen this you need to!! Zooey Dechanel is awkwardly adorable and hilarious all at the same time! Love, love, love!!!

Wednesday: Up All Night, Modern Family, & Revenge! 

Up All Night is a new comedy about a young couple with a new baby.. so good!!

 Modern Family is, of course, amazing! If you haven't jumped on board with this one you need too! It's in it's 3rd season and quite possibly one of the best written shows on television right now.

Revenge is a new drama that is so addicting! I originally started watching because of the main character that was on the show Everwood, but I got hooked fast!

Thursdays I don't have any shows...

Friday: Grimm, yet another fairy tale show this season but with a twist: it's a crime show! You'll have to tune in and check it out! It's only two episodes in but it looks pretty promising.

And Saturday goes without saying.... SNL

Well, that's it? Do you think less of me now? :)
Hope everyone has an awesome week!


  1. I AM IN LOVE with Once Upon A Time! You should watch Hart of Dixie- I think would like it. It comes on Monday nights on the CW but you can watch it online too.

  2. Yep.. watch that one. I knew I would forget one!!!
